Expand your Mind

Areas of Research

Science Stuff

Topics that I just like to keep close at hand. They can range from Quantum Physics to Astro Physics. Computer Science to the fate of the Universe. A real smorgasbord of eclectic wonderment.

Chaos Theory

in mechanics and mathematics, the study of apparently random or unpredictable behavior in systems governed by deterministic laws. A more accurate term, deterministic chaos,
suggests a paradox because it connects two notions that are familiar and commonly regarded as incompatible.

Matrioshka Brains

is a hypothetical megastructure of immense computational capacity powered by a Dyson sphere. It was proposed in 1997 by Robert J. Bradbury. It is an example of a class-B stellar engine,
employing the entire energy output of a star to drive computer systems.

Major Stuff

In this part, we will introduce you or your business to website visitors. We’ll write about you, your organization, the products or services you offer, and why your company exists.

For this part, we will write an additional introduction of yourself or your business. This can tell about how you helped clients achieve their desired results.

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